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Blog of an Ordinary Mystic

Blog of an Ordinary Mystic: Into the Heart of God
December 11, 2019

Deep in the stillness and silence of the dark early morning hours I wrap my prayer shawl around me and sit in my rocking chair ready to enter into the heart of God, the Source of my life, of all life.

Today while meditating I was prompted by the Spirit to begin the blog of an ordinary mystic. If you have read my second novel, “Ordinary Mystic: Practicing the Presence,” you know that over thirty years ago I had an extraordinary encounter with the Source of life while on retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. The ecstasy of the unified field, the sacred communion I experienced that morning on the mountaintop continues to return to me when I meditate. The joy in feeling the peace of Christ within my soul is a power that carries me through each day of my journey in this world.

The definition of stillness from the old English is “silence.” When I become still I quiet down my mind and begin to sense more fully the presence of Source. Entering into the heart of God is not about a belief system. The good news is that I can feel the Divine Presence within me and all around me. I am talking about a direct experience of Source, the energy of love that can be felt.

The mystical connection is a direct encounter with Source and it is available to all. It is at the heart of all spirituality. This Source of life desires an intimate relationship with everyone. Very few people in the past were spiritually awake enough to have this sacred connection. Today more people are becoming aware of the experience that awaits them by taking the time to sit in stillness, go within the self to enter the Kingdom of God and discover the magnificence of interior divinity.

St. Mark tells us to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while.” (–Mark 6:31). Jesus modeled this action and invited his disciples to do as he did. In this special Christmas season when the earth and all creation awaits the outbreath of new birth, I invite you to rest in the inner stillness for a while. Let go of the busyness and allow yourself the simple pleasure of experiencing the love in the heart of God. It is as close as your breath.

A Writers Process



What does it take to be a writer? The writer has a passion for painting with words, and the commitment and determination to make time to write. I began writing when I was in the sixth grade. When I was home sick with the flu a week before Christmas vacation, I needed to finish a writing assignment from my teacher. I was supposed to create a poem on the importance of Christmas.

When I returned to school, my teacher read my poem and said I had a talent for writing. It was the first time anyone had commented on my ability to write and I was so excited! Feeling inspired, I went home and began a writer’s journal. I entered my daily thoughts and ideas for future writing projects.

I wrote a lot of reports and term papers in college, but these didn’t involve my passion. Then the sixties rolled in with so much chaos it was impossible not to get caught up in the passion of the times. I didn’t understand hippies and the peace movement. My father told me that war was inevitable. Those were years of anger and listening for me.

In 1970, I began my first novel. I wanted to make sense of the times for myself and for others. At that time, I was married and had two young children. Feeling like I was drowning in diapers and runny noses, I desperately needed to write, but had no time. Life seemed to be passing me by. Then one day, I decided to institute the system of enforced naptime. Each day after lunch, I expected my children to rest on their beds for one hour. Sometimes they went to sleep, usually they read books or played quietly while Mommy sat at her desk and wrote.

Within a year, I had established a new identity as a writer and completed my first novel, “The Aquarians.” It is a novel about personal transformation in the 70’s and the discovery of a spiritual way of being in the world for the twenty-first century.

At naptime, I pinned up character profiles, filled folders with ideas for future novels, and began to feel like I had discovered something of my own that was enjoyable and fulfilling. I even gave myself a pen name, Curran Galway.

I sent my manuscript out to several publishers, but received many rejection slips. For the next six months, I continued to contact publishers with no luck for a book deal. I decided the world wasn’t ready for my ideas.

Two years later, I had another toddler and was pregnant with my fourth child. Finding time to write seemed impossible. I put away my novel hoping to save it for a year in the future when I had more time. Writing in my journal kept me sane. I continued to make an entry each day.

For the next five years, I struggled with being invisible. My only identity as a mother was not enough to sustain me. I was restless and hungry for a meaningful cause outside of family. My husband did not understand my needs and I soon found myself in a loveless marriage. I felt alone and empty.

A friend told me about a retreat center in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I booked a reservation for the weekend, left my kids with their father in San Jose, and drove on Highway 17 toward the mountains. It was the best decision I had ever made in my life.

Tucked away under tall redwood trees, the Center was a peaceful sight. After registering, I made my way to a comfortable room. I threw myself on the bed thinking that I had found paradise where I could write.

The next morning, I took a walk on one of the mountain trails. When I reached the summit, I had an amazing encounter with God. This experience became the source of my second novel, “Ordinary Mystic,” which I began that weekend and completed years later. Knowing my work was inspired, I believed it would flourish in God’s timing.

My husband and I went through a long divorce. I was granted custody of my children and moved to Whidbey Island in Washington State to raise them as a single parent. I lived in the woods where the pace was slow and peaceful. My children were older now and didn’t need me as much as they had before. I began writing again.

Twelve years later, my children had grown up and left the nest. I rewrote my first novel, “The Aquarians,” and worked with a professional to edit my manuscript. I self-published my novel and began marketing it. It seemed like this marketing step required a new commitment. I loved writing the novel, but resisted the marketing process. It looked like a lot of work. I didn’t have the money to hire someone to help with the marketing, so I had to dig in and do the work myself.

I started marketing myself as a speaker, the voice of the seventies. I did workshops with Baby Boomers around my novel to help them discover their purpose for being on the planet. My work was well received, but teaching Kindergarten by day to support myself didn’t allow much time for writing or marketing. Again, I found myself making a new commitment to my work. I wrote nights and on weekends. Within two years, my second novel, “Ordinary Mystic” was born. I hope to post the link for this book soon.

I lived in two worlds. My feet walked on the earth as I continued to write in my head. I realized that inspirational writing was my destiny, my purpose on the planet. My writing style began to evolve and I started weaving spiritual messages into my stories. I continued to experiment with new ideas to keep the writing fresh. When I wrote, I felt the passion and joy of fulfillment. My vision is to keep writing as long as I continue to be infused with divine energy and guidance. Writing is life.




Welcome to My Blog!

Hi, I’m Curran Galway, and I write inspirational novels. My favorite quote is:

The unexamined life is not worth living.


December 11, 2019

Deep in the stillness and silence of the dark early morning hours I wrap my prayer shawl around me and sit in my rocking chair ready to enter into the heart of God, the Source of my life, of all life.

Today while meditating I was prompted by the Spirit to begin the blog of an ordinary mystic. If you have read my second novel, “Ordinary Mystic: Practicing the Presence,” you know that over thirty years ago I had an extraordinary encounter with the Source of life while on retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. The ecstasy of the unified field, the sacred communion I experienced that morning on the mountaintop continues to return to me when I meditate. The joy in feeling the peace of Christ within my soul is a power that carries me through each day of my journey in this world.

The definition of stillness from the old English is “silence.” When I become still I quiet down my mind and begin to sense more fully the presence of Source. Entering into the heart of God is not about a belief system. The good news is that I can feel the Divine Presence within me and all around me. I am talking about a direct experience of Source, the energy of love that can be felt.

The mystical connection is a direct encounter with Source and it is available to all. It is at the heart of all spirituality. This Source of life desires an intimate relationship with everyone. Very few people in the past were spiritually awake enough to have this sacred connection. Today more people are becoming aware of the experience that awaits them by taking the time to sit in stillness, go within the self to enter the Kingdom of God and discover the magnificence of interior divinity.

St. Mark tells us to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while.” (–Mark 6:31). Jesus modeled this action and invited his disciples to do as he did. In this special Christmas season when the earth and all creation awaits the outbreath of new birth, I invite you to rest in the inner stillness for a while. Let go of the busyness and allow yourself the simple pleasure of experiencing the love in the heart of God. It is as close as your breath.


      1. Discover the clarity of Mindfulness.

You will be able to stay in the present moment as you breathe deeply and be more aware of the people and circumstances in your daily life. Take a moment during the day to stop and center. You can do this at work, during your lunch break, or while driving. Turn off the news and put on some uplifting music to help you be still and let go of stress. Your focus and productivity will improve.

  1. Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary.

Go out for a walk in nature and look for the wonders around you. Bring home symbols of creation to remind you of divine presence in all things.

  1. Expect an increased vitality and energy.

Your body will be healthier filled with divine energy and the joy of living life to the fullest. Sit beside a brook listening to the flow of water, or watch the waves on the shore and feel the powerful energy of the Source of life all around you.

  1. Experience the sacredness of all creation.

Take time to see through “divine eyes.” All is well and everything is right where it is supposed to be. Get up early and experience the sunrise or sunset in the evening trusting that the creator of all things holds everything together in harmony.

  1. Bask in the “divine embrace.”

By resting in the Mystery of life, you will understand who you really are and how deeply you are loved by Source. You will know a new sense of purpose. Sit in a comfy chair with a quilt wrapped around you. Be still and feel the warmth of divine love.

  1. Explore a direct connection and intimate communion with the Source of life.

You will receive important insights for personal transformation in your life. Stand outside on a clear night and witness the myriad of stars twinkling in the sky. Open to the height and breath of wisdom ready to inform and guide your life.

  1. Learn about a new way of being in then world.

All relationships are sacred and non-violent communication is key. Collaboration not competition is the divine way to resolution. Spend quality time with the people you love and practice the tools of compassion. Taking a walk, sitting before a fire, embarking on a vacation trip together with family and friends deepens the relationships.  

  1. Feel the deep peace the mystics write about.

You will be able to remain calm, to respond and not react in situations. Sitting in traffic, standing in line at the grocery store, listening to the neighbor’s barking dog, can be frustrating, but also an opportunity to breathe and stay calm. What you resist will persist. It is a choice to be still and not react.

  1. Time will expand.

There will be more time in your day than you thought possible.You will operate on Kairos (eternal) time not Chronos (clock) time. Start your day with a prayer focus on abundance. Make up your “to do” list then let it go trusting there will be enough time for everything to get done.

10. Enjoy a life filled with daily miracles.

 You will become aware of the eternal now breaking into your daily life. Watch for bumper stickers, images, symbols, words from books or dialogue in the movies for important divine messages. The Source of all life is communicating with you all day long and through many channels. Miracles are a natural spiritual phenomena that continue to happen all the time. Stay awake and witness the wonders.